
 About me

I remember the first time I made I cake, flour covered every work top in the kitchen and hovered in the air like snow. Runny egg white was smeared across the worktop,dripping down our cupboards causing puddles of stickiness on the floor and as for the actual mixture? I think there was more mixture covering my hands and face then there was in the bowl! As I poured the lets say.....intresting mixture into my Tin (which I forgot to grease) i prepared to put it into the oven. The oven. I stared at the fiery monster which would so soon devour my perfect (I thought) cake mixture, what if it hurt my cake, what if it burnt me! I put the cake down and told my mum and stepdads I would not touch the fiery monster! And I screamed "no!" As eventually they put the cake in for me. I was distraught (and so was my mum as she looked around the kitchen) then 40 minutes later it was time to take out the cake.....my mum took it out and In front of me there was a golden brown tin of deliciousness, the smells of vanilla drifted up my nose and I looked at the oven and vowed to never be scared again.

Yes my name is Sophie ,i am 16.....and I used to be afraid of ovens. But who can blame me? and I would like to remind you this was in year 6. What a sad child I was. Ever since that moment I have loved cooking, savoury ain't really my style, I've always preferred to bake cakes and whatsnot but I can still make a mean pasta bake. I moved various amounts of times and been to many schools, I once lived in Ireland where I had a staple diet of roast dinners, berry crumbles, pies, tarts and all the good stuff. I was never really into the healthy food sorta thing, a year ago if someone told me to try a 'healthy pancake' I would have looked at them in confusion , walked away, and I would have made myself some fluffy, buttery American pancakes drowned in lemon and sugar. I have suffered with major anxiety and other things ever since I was little and as I grew up I would eat to fill the void of unhappiness I felt ...which to be honest made me unhappier. I remember when I started year 8 I used to steal my parents money and go to the shop and buy lots of chocolate when they weren't there and sit there and eat all of it. I didn't know the meaning of full for quite some time. Then last  September I started my final year of secondary and I hated the way I looked and lets just say unfortunately in a very short amount of time I went from 10 stone to 7.4 stone and then developed a very frustrating habit which causes me to either stay the same weight or gain weight, but this I won't go into.

But there is alway a silver lining right? Well my distorted ideas of eating led me to the healthy lifestyle I live today and in these last months I'm glad I discovered it. I personally believe in balance and not depriving myself of sugary food that I love but eat it in moderation, now I'm glad to say prefer a healthy buckwheat pancake over a buttery one! The food I make satisfies me without having to go through the whole guilt process and if you read all this you are one cool beans person

I hope you enjoy all my recipes and creations
Sophie xxx

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